A Burger A Week – Tasty Home Cookin’
Let’s take a trip back to a simpler burger time. 🍔

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I knew that this was going to be one of the most unusual burger stops when I started putting this list together almost a year ago. And it did not disappoint!
Anyone that’s spent any amount of time north of Florida has probably consumed a few dozen “Sliders” in their lifetime. If you want to take that potentially treacherous drive up I-4, you can still feed that need in the Sunshine State (Orlando is the only White Castle location left in FL). 🏰
If you’re not interested in weathering theme park traffic, but still crave a mini burger (or three!), you could drive up to Tampa and grab a Krystal burger. OR, even better, you could just stay right here in beautiful Sarasota and enjoy a Tasty Burger! 🍔

Tasty Home Cookin’ opened its “diner” doors back in 1990. I say “diner” with the utmost affection (I love a good diner). It’s nothing fancy. But then again, it doesn’t need to be. It just has to check all of the diner boxes.
Let’s review some of the diner qualifications, shall we?
1️⃣ Casual, friendly, and comfortable atmosphere ✅
2️⃣ Prices that haven’t changed much in the past 30 years ✅
3️⃣ Specials that will make you think of your grandmother ✅
4️⃣ The People! Both the guests and the staff (you know what I mean!) ✅
These kinds of places scream “HOME!”. They feel like a throwback to a time when things were just a bit slower and just a little quieter. It’s the sounds of conversation and easy laughter coming from a table of friends gathered for a weekly get-together. Or even a single customer sitting alone, catching up with the daily paper. It all says diner.
It looks like this…

And this…

And this…

** I don’t really get the one below, but I’m sure there’s a great story to go with it! 😄🎄

I think you get the picture.
Wherever you’re from (even if you’re from Sarasota), you have one or two of these places in your city, town, or village. You don’t have to be from a rural area. The diner is a universal American institution.
We’re here to have a burger (I am anyway. My friend Tim could not resist the pot roast special and the nap that came with it!). We’re actually here to have three burgers. Three Tasty Cheeseburgers, to be exact! 🍔🍔🍔

Let’s talk about our Tasty Home Cookin’ burger experience…
RESTAURANT: TASTY HOME COOKIN’ (3854 S. Tuttle Ave. (941) 921-4969)
STOP #: 34 OF 52
🍔 This burger is served as listed on the menu: With grilled onion and pickle ($5.00). Fries add $3
• These aren’t quite White Castle Sliders. They’ve got a little different texture. More like they were hand formed, rather than pre-pressed. I think that’s a good thing! (White Castle uses a unique 5-hole burger)
• The bun here is super soft; almost pillowy. It’s a nice carrier for these mini-burgers! It definitely fits with this style of patty.
• The burgers are great. But this is really all about the Tasty Home Cookin’ experience. The staff could not be friendlier. This is like stepping into a time machine and dialing up the 1960s.
• The Fries. I’m guessing nobody is coming here strictly for the fries. And for an extra three bucks, these are certainly worth adding on. That said, those “just OK” fries can be transformed into sensational chili cheese fries for only two dollars more! That is, without a doubt, the correct call here! 🍟
Let’s check out how all of this looked when I ordered it…

BURGER TAKEAWAYS: Super casual • Fast, friendly service • For an extra two dollars, you can get a full-size Patty Melt! ($7) • Lots of parking makes this an easy in and out • One of our best burger deals so far! 💵
👀 SNEAK PEEK: We’re headed back up the North Trail (Our last adventure in that neighborhood, The Mable, was super successful). This spot has been around for almost ten years, and its menu is sprinkled with Hungarian cuisine!?
✅ Did you miss a week? No worries. Here’s a link to our A BURGER A WEEK SERIES ARCHIVE! 🍔

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Here are some upcoming local food events that we think you might find interesting. All you need to do is make that reservation. We’ve provided you with a link to more info. (If you have an event, send us the details! (EMAIL IT)
⭐Sarasota-Manatee Original’s – 30% OFF COUPON SALE! – INFO HERE ⭐
WEEKLY POP-UP KITCHEN EVENTS – 99 Bottles Taproom & Bottle Shop

JUN 24 – Rombauer Wine Dinner – Hive Bar
JUN 27 – “The Classics” Wine Dinner – Amore Restaurant
JUN 28 – Wine Dinner With “Corte Dei Venti” – Tiramisu
JUN 29 – Tua Rita Super Tuscan Wine Dinner – element. steak. seafood. pasta
JUNE 29 – The Blends Wine Dinner – Mean Deans Local Kitchen
JUL 1 – Suncoast Largest Food Truck Rally 3.0 – INFORMATION
JUL 4 – Independence Day Buffet + Fireworks! 🎇 – Pier 22
JUL 14 – Bastille s Day Dinner – Mademoiselle Paris
AUG 19 – Laughter in LWR! – GROVE Restaurant
EVERY SUNDAY – Siesta Key Farmer’s Market – DETAILS
EVERY SUNDAY – Farmer’s Market at Lakewood Ranch – DETAILS
EVERY SUNDAY – The Meadows Farmer’s Market – DETAILS
EVERY WEDNESDAY – The Phillippi Farmhouse Market (Oct-Apr) – DETAILS
EVERY SATURDAY – Sarasota Farmer’s Market – DETAILS
EVERY SATURDAY – Downtown Bradenton Public Market – DETAILS
EVERY SATURDAY – Venice Farmer’s Market – DETAILS
Get information on 350+ Sarasota restaurants on the dineSarasota.com website
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Do you love our A Burger A Week pieces? – HERE’S THE FULL ARCHIVE 🍔
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