I fully realize that our historic Presidential election and our not so historic local elections are long since over. Then why do I feel like I’m in the midst of a full on election blitz? I think it may have something to do with the annual Sarasota Herald-Tribune Readers’ Choice awards.
Each year our local daily hands out awards for what their readers vote as the best in various categories. And, of course restaurants are a popular classification for those awards. This year though, seems a little different than in years past. This year, there is some outright campaigning going on. Not that I’m opposed to that mind you. I am all in favor of shameless self promotion when it comes to business, but, I find it fascinating that our Sarasota restaurant community has picked up on it in such an effective way. I mean the kind of things happening here go well beyond the Entertainment Book and a few well placed advertisements.
One of the great things is that our local eateries are staring to use some new methods to promote their businesses. A couple of days back I started to receive emails, Facebook messages and even a few Twitter posts urging my support for certain establishments. It’s fantastic that people are starting to believe that this “new” media actually has the power to move people to action. And, best of all it seems like they’re using it!
OK, well, I’m certainly not going to tell you who to vote for. We all have and support our local favorites, but, as with any election, I will however urge you to vote. I realize that this particular election doesn’t carry the same rights granted us under the U.S. constitution that some other elections do, but it’s always fun to participate in something a little less sobering than who will be the leader of the free world. If you click on the picture of the ballot in the top left corner of this post, you will be magically transported to your own personal voting booth. Oh, you will have to sign in on the Herald-Tribune website to vote.
Good luck to all of our amazing Sarasota restaurants. They all deserve to be recognized for helping to keep our community well fed. Happy voting!
I am curious when this electing starts. And how can I nominate a restaurant?