Menu Monday. Nancy’s Bar-B-Q
Anyway you spell it, it means the same thing, delicious.
Bar-Be-Que, BBQ, Bar-B-Que or Bar-B-Q. There are so many ways you can spell it. But the meaning, at least here in this country, is pretty universal. Cooking styles, sauces, and presentations vary from region to region. But, the basics are fairly constant. There’s a slow cooking process, an infusion of smoke flavor and mouthwatering goodness that leaves you licking your fingers and your serving platter of choice.
Theres no shortage of BBQ places in Sarasota. And, rightfully, they all have their audience. Today we’re going to let you have a look at the menu of a downtown favorite. Nancy’s Bar-B-Q.
Nancy and Sarasota have a long and delicious culinary history. Before the permanent location on Pineapple opened, devotees of her fare were on an edible treasure hunt. Moving from spot to spot, one step ahead of Sarasotas food police. Thankfully, for us (and her), that ritual has come to an end. It was fun, but this is WAY easier.
Her downtown Sarasota restaurant has BBQ lovers standing in line for a sampling of the latest savory gems to emerge from the pit. You can tell there is something special from the moment you hit the door. That distinctive and familiar aroma greets you like an old friend. Aahhh, YES!
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