The LIST – November 2022
We’ve got your monthly rundown. Check out who made it this month.

It’s November! Yes, I can read your mind. “Where has 2022 gone!?” I think that’s what you’re thinking. I know that’s what I’m thinking. Time really does have a way of slipping by without you even noticing.
I LOVE Thanksgiving, so I’m not horribly upset about November being here so surprisingly quick. But I know that once November 24th slides by, it will be a mad rush to the finish line of 2022. It’s not a race, but sometimes it sure feels that way.
It may seem like an odd time to try out some new places, but November is actually the perfect time. It’s still relatively easy to get into local restaurants (at least until the week of Thanksgiving), and those new places would love your support in getting things off the ground.
So, it’s in that spirit that we present a few suggestions for your consideration…

Hot Chikn Kitchn (2045 Bahia Vista St. (941) 706-4410) has opened up in the smallish strip center at the corner of Tamiami Trail and Bahia Vista Street. For years, this space was home to the Roadside Rib Shack. Now they’re serving up Nashville-style hot chicken. The chicken sandwich has been getting some pretty great reviews. 🐔
Turmeric (1001 Cocoanut Ave. (941) 212-2622) has set up shop in the old Broadway Bar space in the Rosemary District. I don’t think they’re using the old pizza oven, but Chef Sarabjit Singh is creating some updated spins on classic Indian dishes. They’re serving both lunch and dinner. Oh, and they’ve got a good-sized event space if you’re planning one for the holidays.
Faicco’s Italian Heros & Grill (3590 Webber St. (941) 960-1395) This opening has been hotly anticipated. The sign went up on the former Webber’s Hot Dog building, and it immediately started a Sarasota-food guessing game. I’m pretty sure this place will be packing in Sarasota Italian-style sandwich lovers. With no website or FB page to speak of, getting info has been a challenge. We’ve got THE MENU for you. My friend Tim asked me if I knew of a place in town that serves a Homemade Porchetta with Mozzarella and Broccoli Rabe Sandwich (I think he said pork and broccoli rabe, but this will do). I do now! Could one of you please send one over? 😂 📝 Our friend Lauren Jackson wrote a piece on Faicco’s for Sarasota Magazine. You can READ THAT HERE.
Here’s the Top 5 rundown that I’m sure you’ve been waiting for…
#5 Grandpa’s Schnitzel (2700 Stickney Point Rd. (941) 922-3888)
Specializing in all things schnitzel is definitely a niche. But now we have two schnitzel spots (Schnitzel Kitchen)! So if you have a crazy schnitzel craving, you now have options. (I don’t think I ever thought that I would type that sentence). They serve breakfast here too! Waffles, not schnitzel.
#4 Meliora (1920 Hillview St., (941) 444-7692)
Fantastic, delicious, creative… It’s hard to put a label on what they’re turning out of that open-concept kitchen on Hillview Street. But label or no label, they are filling the seats in this place at a good clip. And they’ve turned out to be very generous supporters of our local food community. Chef Drew Adams, along with Indigenous’s Steve Phelps and Anthony Petralia of Tralia, are teaming up for a fundraiser in support of our local farms impacted by Hurricane Ian. The event has long been sold out, but you can still make a donation. HERE’S A LINK.
#3 Yokoso Ramen (3422 Clark Rd. (941) 265-1600)
Sarasota finally has a ramen spot. Not a place that just has ramen on the menu, but a place where ramen is the specialty of the house. There are lots of versions of this umami-packed Japanese dish to try. We profiled Yokoso in a First Look piece not too long ago. READ THAT HERE.
#2 Fork & Hen (2801 N. Tamiami Tr., (941) 960-1212)
Fork & Hen has some staying power on our list of the most searched for restaurants. People are wondering what all of the fuss is about. I can tell you that a lot of the talk is about the chicken. Yes, they have lots of other choices. But when they fry up such a great bird, is there really a need to look any further??
#1 Baby Brie’s Café & Coffee House (1938 Adams Ln. (941) 362-0988)
Folks living in the Towles Court neighborhood must be just beside themselves with caffeinated glee at the recent addition of Baby Brie’s. Every area could use a community gathering and sipping spot they can call their own. Now this eclectic downtown locale has one! If you haven’t been, try making a quick stop this month.
Here’s the rest of our Top 10 for the month.

The top 10 this month is rounded out with the Island House Tap & Grill, Korean BBQ spot Kore Steakhouse, newcomer Turmeric, Louie’s Bistro, and Pho Cali. This is a pretty wide-ranging list this month. You sure are an eating community with varied tastes!
We have come to the end of the rundown for November. Let’s take a quick look ahead for the rest of the month. We’ve got a couple more burger stops before we take a little Thanksgiving break. A Make it at Home that features a Thanksgiving side dish that has been one of my family’s favorites for years. Another First Look. And hopefully, we’ll get to that convection vs. air fryer wing battle that I’ve been threatening to write about for a little bit. Stay tuned…

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