I’m Larry Hoffman. I am the Publisher of dineSarasota.
Since 2002, dineSarasota.com has been providing the Sarasota area with the most up-to-date and complete information on Sarasota restaurants available. Not only do we publish this online restaurant resource. But we also produce an annual printed dining book, The Little Sarasota DINING Book. And a super informative newsletter, Sarasota Bites. You can subscribe to that by CLICKING HERE. We’re proud of both our digital and print products. I hope you find them useful. The following is what you can expect from us.
this is what we’re about and how we operate
If we take some type of compensation for writing a post for this website, we’ll tell you about it.
If we perform any type of work for a restaurant and they are the subject of a post for this website, we will fully disclose that information.
If you see an advertisement on this website, it’s safe to assume that someone has paid us money to run it. We do comp ad placement from time to time, but just to be safe, assume we got paid.
In this business, it’s hard (and sometimes impossible) to avoid the occasional free meal, complimentary appetizer, or dessert. It’s not bribery. If we like it, we’ll write about it. If not, we won’t. Putting restaurants out of business is not part of our business model. Even the bad ones. We figure that will take care of itself. The public (YOU!) is usually smart enough to weed out the good from the bad on their own. You don’t need us trashing places for the sport of it. We will ALWAYS try and be fair.
Writing about Sarasota food and restaurants is what we do to help promote our vibrant local dining scene. We’ve been at it since 2002. Nobody is getting rich here. We don’t have piles of restaurant gift certificates lying around as compensation for our work. That’s not the way it works (at least for us).
Finally, the restaurant business is difficult. After all, they have to deal with us all day long, the sometimes hyper-critical general public. Our mission here is to make you aware of what is happening in our Sarasota food world. Along the way, we can hopefully give you an idea of where to enjoy a Saturday evening dinner or Thursday lunch. If we’ve done that, then we’ve done our job.
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